Sue – Hamburg
When I was in my late twenties, I was diagnosed with a rare hip disease that caused me so much pain and I lost 20% mobility in my left leg. My husband is a U. S. Naval Officer and we were stationed overseas in the Philippines at the time. I had to wait over a year before we were transferred back to the United States before I could have hip surgery. I was told I would eventually have to have another surgery to replace my hip, but that I was too young at the time to have one. During the years after that initial surgery, I developed other joint issues from compensating for a compromised hip and had to have two knee surgeries as well. Twenty-eight years after my initial diagnosis, I had my hip replacement in 2010.
After seven months of physical therapy and rehabilitation, I was released from therapy. I really didn’t feel that I was ready to start exercising on my own because I didn’t want to do anything to cause any problems with my newly repaired hip. This is around the time that I met Chris Schilds and decided that my husband and I should start personally training with his team.
Chris did a very thorough evaluation of our abilities and we started working out together with his wife and co-trainer, Jenny. When we first started, I couldn’t barely do 5 pushups even from a standing position from our pool table. After working out with the trainers at Body Within, I recently took a trip to Waikiki, HI with my husband. Six days prior to my 55th birthday and two years post hip replacement, I climbed Diamond Head. To me this was a HUGE accomplishment because there were very steep stairs and rocky switchback paths I had to climb. Prior to my hip replacement and working out with the professional trainers at Body Within, I could barely make it to the end of my driveway using a cane in order to get the mail out of my mailbox. Now, I climbed a mountain! I also was able to ride a horse along the sandy beaches of Waikiki and I snorkeled off a catamaran in the open ocean. These are activities that I would never have attempted before training with Body Within. I feel stronger, younger and more alive than I have ever felt before! Thank you Body Within trainers!