Safety First: Cleanliness is Our Top Priority

It is an understatement to say 2020 broadened how safety was defined. Of course, clients have always valued our professional practices and insights, but cleanliness became a top priority.
We guarantee, whether training in home or at our private fit club, our cleaning protocols will keep our clients, ourselves, and all those we care for safe.
If you are considering working with us, it is important to note that Body Within is NOT A GYM. Our fit club is PRIVATE. When you train at our club, you get the whole place to yourself…and it will be CLEAN. Trainers arrive prior to the workout to pull equipment. Trainers are responsible for cleaning all equipment and making sure the room is ready. After every workout, the trainer again cleans the equipment then prepares the room for the next session. Furthermore, our club is professionally cleaned three times a week. During these cleanings every piece of equipment is pulled and thoroughly sanitized.
Of course, going into our client’s homes is a bit different. We don’t clean everything, but we do come prepared. Trainers carry hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and the plan for the day. We take care of your home like it is our own and see to it that you get a great workout each and every time!
Of course, with our remote training option safety is more about exercising safely. Body Within is a team of professionals with over 65 years of combined knowledge. We pride ourselves on serving our clients with personalized exercise and stretching programs. Safety at Body Within also means respecting each client’s personal abilities and designing specifically for them.