Jenny Schild
Feeling unmotivated? Jenny can fix that.
Holding a degree from James Madison College, a personal training certification from American Council on Exercise (ACE), and YogaFit certifications, she specializes in getting people started.
“I’m involved in Yoga, weight training, mountain biking, and I recently started long distance running.” Jenny does not let her workouts get boring. “I train myself using many different modes. This is reflected in the way I design workouts for my clients.” Jenny’s willingness to try new activities not only keeps her fresh and motivated, but it keeps her grounded.
“Stepping into a new studio or taking a class I don’t know much about is intimidating. I am sure that is the feeling people get before they begin a training program.”
However, accepting a challenge or stepping into the unknown can be very rewarding. “I am truly blessed to have a job where I help people realize their potential. It is fantastic watching someone celebrate a physical accomplishment they did not think was possible.”